School Programme

We are a Hub and Spoke model of teacher and school education with all of our 7 lab schools (preschool to Grade 10) located in Mumbai’s G-South Ward. Our pedagogy and processes cater to learning needs of every child establishing a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

Teacher Education Programme

Our model focuses on developing members, mostly women from underserved educational communities into confident and skilled teachers and teacher educators. The fact that our teachers belong to the same socio-cultural background as the student’s establishes a strong rapport and makes it easier to contextualize our education programmes  to address real needs of the community.


We aim at impacting not only the educationally underserved communities but the larger education system. Being a demonstration model, we believe in collaborating and liaisoning with the government and partner organizations in urban and rural areas, enabling them to contextualize their education and develop more effective teaching learning practices.

Research and Advocacy

We have been able to demonstrate that community members themselves can become facilitators of change and drive extraordinary results with the same communities. Over a period of time, with constant engagement, collaboration and support from the community including all stakeholders, we received credibility and organic growth. Our goal is to advocate the best practices of our programme through research. We invite researchers from across the globe to conduct studies on various aspects of our programme. Along with this, we also constantly research on our internal process and take the learnings to various external forums.