Over the years, with reflection and testing of our processes, we have developed a significant body of research offering credibility to our school and teacher education programmes. We believe that data-driven insights help us in mapping our effectiveness. Our education model and learning culture is also considered as conducive for action research studies by researchers and academicians globally adding to the body of knowledge and validating our impact further. We network with local, national and international research organizations and encourage budding researchers to do pursue their study on Muktangan.
We have been able to demonstrate that community members themselves can become facilitators of change and drive extraordinary results with the same communities. Over a period of time, with constant engagement, collaboration and support from the community including all stakeholders, we received credibility and organic growth. This has validated the effectiveness of our model and guided us on the path of advocating the learnings to the rest of the world. Through our conscious and strategized advocacy initiatives, we aim at helping educational practitioners in schools and teacher education colleges to provide opportunities for all their students to learn more meaningfully, while at the same time enabling the larger system to see that it is the educational practitioners themselves, who can bring about this change.